Archive for November, 2007

Lowongan DEPTAN



Nomor : 770/TU.210/A5/XI/2007

Rekrutmen CPNS Deptan Formasi Tahun 2007

Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor KEP/246/M.PAN/9/2007 tentang Persetujuan Prinsip Tambahan Formasi PNS Departemen Pertanian Tahun Anggaran 2007 dan Peraturan Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara Nomor 30 Tahun 2007 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil, diumumkan sebagai berikut :

Departemen Pertanian membuka pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Departemen Pertanian Tahun 2007 untuk ditempatkan pada Kantor Pusat dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) lingkup Departemen Pertanian di seluruh Indonesia.

Informasi Selengkapnya :

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan AdSense

Kelebihan dan kekurangan adsense

Kelebihan Adsense
1. AdSense relatif mudah untuk diikuti.
2. Adsense mudah ditempatkan, kita cukup dengan copy-paste kode yang diberikan oleh pihak adsense.
3. Gratis alias tidak perlu membayar biaya apapun.
4. Tidak perlu repot mencari-cari pihak yang berminat memasang iklan di blog atau website kita.
5. Kita cuma perlu membuat tulisan yang bagus, agar adsense bisa mencari iklan yang paling berhubungan dengan isi tulisan.
6. Tidak perlu repot untuk mencari iklan atau produk yang cocok untuk tiap halaman yang kita buat.
7. Tidak perlu dipusingkan dengan berbagai cara menempatkan kode dari berbagai program affiliasi yang kita ikuti (jika cuma mengikutii program adsense).
8. Kita jadi bisa memfokuskan diri bagaimana cara membuat content yang bagus, dan adsense yang akan mencarikan iklan yang paling cocok di antara lebih kurang 100.000 pemasang iklan melalui program Google Adword.
9. Bisa diikuti mulai dari pemula hingga yang veteran.
10. AdSense menyediakan statistik yang relatif sederhana dan mudah dimengerti.
11. Sekalipun kita mengikuti program affiliasi lain, Adsense tetap mengizinkan kita untuk menempatkan link dari program affiliasi tersebut, hanya saja kita perlu memperhatikan syarat-syarat yang diberikan oleh Adsense agar tidak melanggar TOS.
12. Kita juga bisa memfilter atau memblock lebih dari 200 URLs dari adsense, jika iklan yang akan ditampilkan dari adsense tersebut mempunyai produk yang sama dengan produk yang kita tawarkan melalui program affiliasi lain. Ini untuk memberikan kesempatan yang lebih besar bagi program affiliasi lain yang kita ikuti.
13. Google Adsense merupakan program periklanan yang kompetitif, hingga adsense banyak diminati oleh para advertiser untuk memasarkan dan memperkenalkan produk mereka.
14. Hanya dengan satu account, kita bisa menempatkan adsense pada beberapa blog sekaligus. Jadi tidak perlu membuat satu account untuk tiap blog yang dimiliki.
15. Banyak sumber-sumber yang bisa dijadikan bahan untuk mempelajarinya, sekalipun kita masih awam kita bisa belajar dari para veteran yang sudah lebih dulu terjun dalam dunia adsense.

Kekurangan Adsense
Seperti juga berbagai program lainnya, adsense tentu mempunyai beberapa kelemahan dan kekurangan yang cukup mengganggu. Beberapa kekurangan ini antara lain:
1. Statistik income yang diberikan oleh Adsense memang cukup simple dan mudah dipahami, akan tetapi adsense tidak menampilkan iklan mana yang sering diklik dan keyword apa yang berhubungan dengan iklan tersebut. Hal ini cukup membuat frustasi, karena informasi tersebut sangat penting.
2. Masih berhubungan dengan point diatas, khan jika kita tahu iklan dan keyword apa yang sering diklik, kita bisa membuang keyword yang tidak banyak menghasilkan duit.
3. Adsense sering menampilkan PSA (Public Service Ads) atau iklan layanan masyarakat, dan jika ini diklik, kita dapet apa coba.
4. Minimum payout is $100, berat juga tuh, terutama bagi blog yang tidak banyak mendapat traffic. Bisa butuh waktu lama tuh untuk mencairkannya.
5. Sebelum blog atau website bisa disetujui untuk join adsense, blog tersebut harus di review atau di periksa dulu dulu. Dan yang melakukan pengecekkan adalah seorang manusia biasa, kalau manusianya kan cenderung …???
6. Adsense melarang kita untuk berbagi atau memberi tahukan orang lain mengenai pendapatan kita melalui adsense, begini bunyi AdSense Terms dan Conditions: “Confidentiality. You agree not to disclose Google Confidential Infataumation without Google’s priatau written consent. ‘Google Confidential Infataumation’ includes without limitation: … (b) click-through rates atau other statistics relating to Site perfataumance in the Program provided to you by Google…” itukan agak aneh. Sebagai sesama blogger kita perlu informasi semacam ini untuk berbagi keberhasilan dan kegagalan yang pernah dialami.
7. Sebagai partner, adsense juga tidak memberi tahukan berapa persen yang kita dapatkan dari total penghasilan mereka. Kata Google sih gini: “How much will I earn through this program? The AdWatauds ads you are able to display on your content pages are cost-per-click (CPC) ads. This means that advertisers pay only when users click on ads. You’ll receive a pataution of the amount paid fatau clicks on AdWatauds ads on your website. Although we don’t disclose the exact revenue share, our goal is to enable publishers to make as much atau mataue than they could with other advertising netwatauks.”
8. Adsense rawan klik fraud, ini bisa jadi resiko yang besar bagi kita. Terutama bila ada pihak-pihak lain yang merasa tidak senang melihat orang lain suksess, dan pihak tersebutlah yang melakukan klik fraud. Tapi pihak Google mungkin beranggapan bahwa kita berkerja sama dengan pihak yang melakukan klik fraud tersebut. Dan akhirnya account kita kena banned, ludes dah penghasilan. Apalagi jika penghasilan tersebut sudah lumayan buanyak, apes dah.
9. Adsense belum mendukung semua bahasa, terutama bahasa Indonesia. Jadi khan kacian bagi blogger yang belum fasih berbahasa Inggris. Mereka dengan amat sangat terpaksa harus belajar bahasa Inggris, itu jika mereka masih minat dengan adsense.

Dengan beberapa kekurangan dan kelebihan yang ada, adsense tetap menjadi primadona bagi kita untuk menghasilkan passive income. Sebenarnya berapa yang bisa kita dapatkan dari adsense ? itu tergantung dari barapa harga dibayarkan oleh pemasang iklan tersebut melalui program Google Adword. Ada yang cuma 5 cent perklik, tapi ada yang mencapai $10 hingga $12 perklik, dan kita mendapat beberapa persen dari harga tersebut.
Sebelum kita memutuskan dan berangan-angan, berapa banyak uang yang ingin kita hasilkan dari adsense, akan lebih baik jika kita tahu bagaimana cara melakukannya. Misalnya kita mempunyai target income $100.000 pertahun dari adsense, apakah itu memungkinkan ? coba kita hitung $100.000 dibagi 365 hari = $274 perhari. Itu berarti kita harus membuat 274 halaman, dan setiap halaman menghasilkan $1. Atau 548 halaman dan setiap halaman menghasilkan 5 cent. Atau 1096 halaman dan setiap halaman menghasilkan 25 cent.
Hipotesanya mungkin begini, untuk menghasilkan $1 perhalaman setiap harinya, berarti setiap halaman perlu:
1. 400 pengunjung, 5% click-through rate (CTR) dan rata-rata 5 cent payout.
2. Atau 200 pengunjung, 10% CTR dan rata-rata 5 cent payout.
3. Atau 100 pengunjung, 10% CTR, dan rata-rata 10 cent payout.
4. Atau 100 pengunjung, 5% CTR, dan rata-rata 20 cent payout.
5. Atau 50 pengunjung, 10% CTR dan 20 cent payout rata-rata .
6. Atau 25 pengunjung, 20% CTR dan 20 cent payout rata-rata.
7. Atau 20 pengunjung, 10% CTR dan 50 cent payout rata-rata.
8. Atau 10 pengunjung, 20% CTR dan 50 cent payout rata-rata.
9. Atau 5 pengunjung, 20% CTR dan $1 payout rata-rata.
Mohon dikoreksi bila hitungannya salah. Coba kita ambil tengahnya saja, anggaplah kita menginginkan 50 pengunjung perhalaman. Kita punya 274 halaman, dan untuk setiap halaman kita ingin menghasilkan $1 perhari. Berarti yang kita butuhkan adalah 274 x 50 = 13.700 pageview perhari. Hm.. tampaknya terlalu berat ya. Berarti yang harus kita lakukan adalah mencari keyword yang bernilai tinggi, dan mencari cara untuk meningkatkan CTR.
Kita coba dengan skenario yang berbeda, anggaplah kita menemukan keyword yang bisa menghasilkan $1 perhari dari setiap 10 pengunjung. Itu berarti: dengan 274 halaman X 10 pengunjung = 2740 pageview perhari. Jika dari 10 pengunjung membaca rata-rata 3 halaman, berarti yang kita butuhkan adalah 913 unique pengunjung perhari. Ini juga tampaknya masih cukup berat, maka yang mungkin bisa kita lakukan adalah membaginya menjadi 2 atau 3, 4, dan seterusnya. Caranya ? dengan membuat blog-blog lain sebanyak angka pembagi yang kita inginkan.
Ternyata tidak semudah yang kita impikan untuk mencari uang melalui adsense, tapi adakah cara yang mudah ? tidak ada. Semua cara membutuhkan kerja keras dan perjuangan yang tak kenal lelah.

RI citizens ‘not ready’ for full direct polls

Irawaty Wardany, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Full direct elections, in which independent candidates could compete, are not avalid option here yet as both voters and political parties are not ready, political experts say.”Parties are still reluctant to accept a full direct election system because they would lose the authority to determine candidates (for both presidential and legislative elections),” director for research and publications at the Akbar Tandjung Institute, Alfan Alfian, told a discussion here Wednesday.

The government should also consider whether or not the Indonesian public want to implement such a system, he said.Alfan said among Indonesian voters were rational voters who selected candidates based on their track records, ideological voters who selected candidates based on their ideologies, irrational voters who voted for a candidate based solely on charisma and symbolic voters who selected candidates based on their political parties.Alfan added that a full direct election could only be implemented in a well-educated society where people would study each candidate’s credentials before casting their vote.”On the other hand, the implementation of such a system would force parties to work harder to better develop themselves,” Alfan said.Joseph Kristiadi from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said Indonesia had a direct election in 2004, but, “it was still half-hearted” and not a full one.He said the implementation of such a system would have several benefits.”First, it may help people choose candidates more accurately and would make candidates work to be closer to voters,” Kristiadi said.”Secondly, this could open up the opportunity for anyone to compete in elections and therefore would decrease internal conflicts in parties.”Thirdly, this could force political parties to present their best leaders to be chosen by the people,” he added.Irmadi Lubis, a legislator from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle said a full direct election was a certainty.”This is something we expect to achieve,” he said.However, he said there were some negative aspects of full direct elections when compared to indirect elections.”The cost is 10 times higher than indirect elections,” he said.He said he hoped all people would work together to improve the current election system in order to foster democracy in the future.
“Nobody knows when we will achieve that goal,” he said.Head of the National Mandate Party faction in the House of Representatives, Zulkifli Hassan, said a full direct election system would not be easily implemented in the country due to the lack of a democratic culture within political parties.”If parties could develop a democratic culture within themselves, I believe this system could be implemented,” he said.

Expected low Internet rate to lure more users

Indonesia may catch up with other Southeast Asian countries’ Internet penetration rates when First Media’s low monthly subscription comes out in four years

The Jakarta Post
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

By Arif T. Syam

Jakarta —There appears to be an opportunity for Indonesians to enjoy cheap Internet connections, with the entry of PT First Media Tbk. into the high-speed broadband Internet network access business. PT First Media Tbk, a subsidiary of the Lippo Group, has advertised its relatively cheap product, FastNet 384, at Rp 99,000 per month. For just Rp 99,000, a subscriber gets unlimited access to the Internet at a speed of 384 kilobits per second.First Media provides cheap Internet services through what is called Triple Play. Triple Play consists of FastNet, which is a high-speed broadband Internet service, home cable and digital TV cable as well as datacomm, which is a communication data service for corporations.

First Media gives real broadband service because it is no longer based on shared network access,
which is common practice and is purportedly called a broadband service. The low Internet connection rate is expected to lure more Internet subscribers, not only corporations but also students and housewives.However, it may be some time before anyone can enjoy this particular service as the network infrastructure has yet to be established. According to First Media, the company will invest US$650 million in this service over the next four years.

First Media’s low Internet subscription rate is indeed good news for prospective subscribers but it also poses a threat for other Internet providers,
such as PT Telkom’s Speedy, because they will have to reassess their position if they wish to continue engaging in the broadband business.The presence of FastNet will certainly spur massive price competition, which will have an impact on all other broadband businesses, including wireless services through the use of 3G technology.Indications that Internet rates would drop became apparent in early February following the issuance of Communication and Information Ministry Regulation No.3/2007 on network leases, which may lower the network lease rate by up to 50 percent. According to Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) chairperson Sylvia W. Sumarlin, the component of leased circuit in the form of bandwidth from abroad represents 50 percent of the total operational cost of an Internet service provider. “Other big costs are backhaul, access network to subscribers and taxes, the rate of which has yet to be fixed,” she said.According to her, following the lowering of the network lease rate as a result of the new regulation, it is expected that rates will decrease by up to 30 percent.Sylvia stressed that the reduced rate would have a significant impact on Internet usage, namely a 30 percent increase, although this would not mean a rise in Internet users. However, APJII has separately estimated that the number of Internet users would rise by 30 percent once the regulation on leased circuits was applied. At present there are about 20 million Internet users in Indonesia.Indonesia still lags behind neighboring countries, such as Singapore, in providing cheap Internet access. Since January of this year, Singapore has provided free Wi-Fi access in many public places.Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has said that in 2007 the broadband Internet infrastructure network will reach all parts of Singapore. The public will enjoy 512 kbps wireless access for free at public Wi-Fi spots across the city through local telecommunications operators SingTel, iCell and QMax.

While ICell and QMax will provide free Wi-Fi services for two years, SingTel will offer free services for three years.
Through a hot spot wireless Internet service program, called Wireless@SG, the Singaporean government will also raise the number of hot spots from 900 to 5,000, concentrated in town centers, business districts and shopping belts. To ensure a more equitable Internet penetration, Lee said, the government will, besides expanding the scope of the hot spots, also provide 10,000 subsidized computers to needy households with school-going children.The Singapore government’s initiative is intended to ensure that all Singaporeans can enjoy the same digital experience. “We must create digital opportunities for all Singaporeans, and never allow a digital divide in our society,” Lee said.Internet penetration is said to be a yardstick for the level of progress achieved by a nation.
Indonesia has only 20 million Internet users or a penetration of 8.9 percent of the total population (See from the number of Internet Protocols (IP) in circulation or allocated, which stands at over 2.8 million, it can be estimated that the maximum number of subscribers is somewhere in the vicinity of two million.Compare this with Malaysia, which has an Internet penetration of close to 38 percent and 2.8 million allocated IP numbers, or with Singapore, where 68 percent of the population have Internet access and the IP numbers stand at 2.6 million. As the need for bandwidth should be viewed not from penetration but from the number of users and IP numbers, it is strange that allocated IP numbers in Indonesia are greater than in neighboring countries.

As the IP numbers are comparable with those in neighboring countries, Indonesia should therefore have Internet rates comparable with those
in neighboring countries. Unfortunately, many countries have no intention of introducing low rates and broad bandwidth.In terms of economic calculation and needs, the Internet is indeed a necessity. The biggest constraint for Internet users is the rate. If the government is aware of this condition, it must introduce policies to ensure that the Internet is cheap.Indonesia is a country with a host of anomalies. Creativity has become increasingly challenged with so many constraints being faced. Once a company expressed an intention to provide free Internet access, other companies boycotted this in a variety of ways. What is worth asking now is, given the fact that First Media can set a rate of Rp 99,000 per month, what is the actual rate of gateway access abroad, something that has until now been used as an excuse for high Internet rates in Indonesia.

Pelamar dipanggil Ujian Tulis CPNS LIPI

Ternyata masih banyak pengangguran didalam bangsa indonesia termasuk saya sendiri, disini daftar pelamar LIPI seluruhnya 32.467, sedangkan yang dipanggila untuk mengikuti tes ujian tertulis sebanyak 2.957. Tertera susahnya persaingan untuk mencari sesuap nasi dan bertambahnya sarjana muda yang bertebaran serta lebih muda dan pintar. Blogs ini mengajak teman – teman untuk tidak hanya mengandalkan lowongan kerja CPNS lipi, batan, BPPT, Deplu, Depag. Lowongan kerja BUMN, Swasta, Oil Company dan lain-lain.

Agar setiap insan yang berpendidikan tinggi seperti mahasiswa untuk lebih memutar otak bagaimana menghasilkan uang tanpa harus mencari lowongan pekerjaan. Semisal Sarjana Teknik Sipil bisa membuka CV tentang jasa konstruksi, atau apoteker bisa membuka Apotik dan lain-lain.

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