Archive for the ‘ Beasiswa ’ Category

Beasiswa Supersemar 2010

Pelajar Mahasiswa Indonesia yang sekarang sedang duduk minimal di semester 3, khususnya di Universitas Indonesia, kembali Yayasan Supersemar memberikan beasiswa kepada 180 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Berikut info beasiswa lengkapnya:

Beasiswa Supersemar 2010

Bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa Yayasan Supersemar kembali memberikan beasiswa untuk mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia untuk tahun periode 2010. Beasiswa ini akan dialokasikan untuk 180 mahasiswa reguler dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

  • Beasiswa ini diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa yang duduk di minimal semester 3 dan maksimal belum lulus satu tahun kedepan, IPK minimal 2,50 dan berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu.
  • Pendartaran beserta berkasnya harus dikirimkan melalui Manajer/Koordinator Kemahasiswaan Fakultas ke Direktorat Kemahasiswaan di Gedung Pusat Pelayanan Mahasiswa Terpadu Universitas Indonesia (PPMTUI) paling lambat tanggal 11 Maret 2010, berkas yang harus dilengkapi adalah berikut ini:

1. Formulir beasiswa Direktorat Kemahasiswaan yang sudah di isi; (download formulir)

2. Transkip nilai;

3. Surat keterangan dari PA bahwa mahasiswa tersebut berkelakuan baik dan motivasi belajar yang tinggi

4. Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RT/RW setempat

5. Surat rekomendasi dari Manajer/Koordinator Kemahasiswaan Fakultas

6. Soft kopi daftar nama calon penerima beasiswa di dalam Flash Disk atau (E-Mail Bapak Bambang Wijanarko, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )

7. Mahasiswa dimohon untuk tanda tangan pada surat bermaterai seperti pada contoh surat terlampir diketahui Manajer Mahalum Fakultas.

Perlu kami informasikan juga bahwa bantuan beasiswa Supersemar tahun anggaran 2010 sebesar Rp. 120.000 (seratus dua puluh ribu rupiah) per mahasiswa per bulan, untuk jangka 12 (dua belas) bulan. Beasiswa ini diutamakan bagi mahasiswa penerima beasiswa tahun 2009 yang masih memenuhi persyaratan.

Info Beasiswa S1 (undergraduate) S2 (master) S3 (doktor, phd) diploma scholarship Postgraduate Funding Opportunities Provided by Durham University

Info Beasiswa S1 (undergraduate) S2 (master) S3 (doktor, phd) diploma scholarship

Postgraduate Funding Opportunities Provided by Durham University

Each year Durham University invests millions of pounds in funding opportunities to enable the most talented postgraduate students from across the world to realise their potential with us.

For prospective postgraduate research and taught students who are applying to join the University in the 2010/11 academic year we have on offer a range of attractive studentships,scholarships and bursaries. These include:

•Prestigious Durham Doctoral Studentships, which are awarded to postgraduate research students of the very highest calibre;
•Interdisciplinary scholarships for postgraduate research students in the social sciences; and
•Over 100 grants and fee waivers.
For further information about the funding opportunities that are available in your subject area and how to apply for them please select one of the following links.

•Arts and humanities
•Social Sciences and health

For specialist advice and support about applying for postgraduate funding please contact our Student Financial Support Office on 0191 33 46143 /

Beasiswa S3 Inggris: 13 PhD Studentships at Bloomsbury Colleges, UK

Info Beasiswa S1 (undergraduate) S2 (master) S3 (doktor, phd) diploma scholarship
The Bloomsbury Colleges PhD Studentships

The Bloomsbury Colleges is a consortium of six University of London colleges comprising Birkbeck (Bbk), The Institute of Education (IoE), The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), The Royal Veterinary College (RVC), The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and The School of Pharmacy (SoP).

The Consortium offers twelve PhD Studentships annually, each of three year’s duration, to start in October of the given year. The Studentships cover course fees (at the usual level for UK and E.U. studentships) and a student stipend. They encompass a wide range of topics spanning the biomedical and social sciences, reflecting the diversity of disciplines represented in the consortium. The Studentships will be supervised by two of the partner colleges.

Applications will go to the relevant Studentship’s Lead College.

Click on a Studentship from the list below for further details and application links:

Studentships 2010

•Crystallisation of the Multifunctional Receptor Clustering Protein Gephyrin (SoP)

•Cost Effective Delivery Strategies for the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (SoP)

•Kinesin Molecular Motors as Targets for Malaria Treatment (Bbk)

•Exploring Cognitive and Genetic Explanations for the Overlap Between Autism and Other Mental Health Problems in Adolescence (Bbk)

•*Mobile Learning for Development: Participatory Design of an Open Mobile Knowledge Exchange Network for the Detection, Identification and Monitoring of Infectious Disease (IoE)*

•The Development of Problem-Solving Abilities in Typical and Atypical Development (IoE)

•Development of Word Naming and Knowing in Children Aged 3-7: A Behavioural and Computational Study (IoE)

•*China’s Emerging Role in Global Health Governance: Navigating between Access to Medicines and Economic Development (LSHTM)*

•*Social and Educational Determinants of Sexual Partner Choice and HIV Risk Among Young Women in South Africa (LSHTM)*

•*Land and Law in War to Peace Transitions in Africa (SOAS)*

•*Good Health at Low Cost – Understanding the Contribution of Political, Economic and Structural Factors Promoting Good Health (SOAS)*

•Generation of Zebrafish Models of Neurodegeneration (RVC)

•Validation of the Mitochondrial Translocator Protein (MTSPO) in Comparative Cancer Biology and Molecular Chemotherapy (RVC)

*These five Studentships are related to international development and include additional funding for field research. For further information please click on the following link:

The Bloomsbury Colleges, University of London: Birkbeck; Institute of Education; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; School of Oriental and African Studies; The School of Pharmacy; Royal Veterinary College.

Beasiswa S1 IPB Rabobank 2009/2010

Beasiswa S1 IPB Rabobank 2009/2010 bagi Mahasiswa baru IPB Rabobank Undergraduate Scholarship “We Value Your Potential”

Rabobank Indonesia memberikan 5 (lima) beasiswa S1 bagi mahasiswa baru IPB tahun ajaran 2009/2010 dari salah satu jurusan di fakultas berikut ini :

* Pertanian
* Teknologi Pertanian
* Ekonomi Manajemen

Beasiswa S1 IPB Rabobank ini meliputi :
Biaya SPP dan tunjangan biaya hidup, biaya buku serta biaya penelitian dalam rangka penulisan tesis selama 4 (empat) tahun atau 8 (delapan) semester (ketentuan berlaku)

Persyaratan pendaftaran Beasiswa S1 IPB Rabobank 2009/2010:

1. Warga negara Indonesia;

2. Memiliki nilai rata-rata hasil Ujian Nasional minimal 8.0;

3. Berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan miskin dari lurah/camat disertai bukti tagihan rekening listrik;

4. Mengirimkan formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi lengkap;

5. Cakap dalam bahasa Inggris;

6. Melampirkan fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku dan pas foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6;

7. Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain;

8. Bersedia mematuhi semua peraturan yang dikenakan oleh Rabobank Indonesia hubungan dengan program beasiswa S1 IPB ini.

Prosedur pendaftaran Beasiswa S1 IPB Rabobank 2009/2010:
Kirim formulir pendaftaran beasiswa S1 IPB Rabobank beserta dokumen pendukung selambat-lambatnya 7 Agustus 2009

Info lengkap beasiswa S1 Rabobank 2009/2010 dapat diakses di:

EBS Alumni Citi Foundation Scholarship 2009

The Citi Foundation Scholarship Fund
The Citi Foundation Scholarship Fund at the European Business School is presented by EBS Alumni and aimed at the advancement and support of socially disadvantaged, gifted potential students. The Citi Foundation’s funding will be used to alleviate the financial burden stemming from tuition fees. The scholarships will cover 50% of Bachelors or Masters tuition fees for one year.
EBS Alumni Citi Foundation Scholarship 2009

The scholarship program targets young people from disadvantaged low-income families who usually have only limited access to education and training or minorities who often experience discrimination. We therefore intend to improve their chances via this advancement program and see this as a contribution to integration, as well as a valuable support of EBS’ scholarly aims to promote intercultural competence in its educational concept.

The Citi Foundation’s funding will be used to alleviate the financial burden stemming from tuition fees. The scholarships will cover 50% of Bachelors or Masters tuition fees for one year.

All prospective and current students who fit the target group are invited to apply, the scholarships will be awarded based on academic excellence, need and an interview.

Important Information about the Application Procedure

Who may apply?
Your application will be considered if some or all of the following points apply to you:

* You come from a low-income family.
* You are a member of a minority.
* You have a migrant background.

We also strive for a balanced number of low income students as well as an increase in the number female students and wish to create an elite of responsibility in Germany.

What do I have to hand in?
Please apply with all documents listed in the PDF in the right column.

Important information concerning eXebs fellows who already receive financial support through the eXebs Bildungsfonds: You don’t have to hand in all the financial documents, you just have to hand in a signed explanation that your financial situation has remained the same.

Important information concerning students who plan to apply for the eXebs Bildungsfonds: The documents you have to hand in for the Citi Scholarship are the same you have to hand in when applying for the eXebs Bildungsfonds. So it probably would make sense to apply for both scholarships at the same time.

Where do I have to send my application?
Please send it directly to the following adress (Einwurfeinschreiben is possible, but no Einschreiben mit Rückschein!):

Postfach 4004
55030 Mainz

When and where do the interviews take place?
Depending on whether you apply only for the Citi Scholarship or for both the Citi Scholarship and the eXebs Fellowship including the Bildungsfonds your interview will take place on the following dates:

* applicants who also have interviews for the Fellowship (Bildungsfonds) Scholarship: 4.7.2009, Oestrich-Winkel, Burg Campus
* applicants who only apply for the Citi Scholarship: 5.7.2009, Oestrich-Winkel, Schloss Campus

You will be informed (per email) in time whether you will be invited or not.

Application deadline is 19 Jun 2009
The Official webiste:

List of all documents you need for your application
Download here (pdf)

University of Buckingham Scholarship Programs in Economics 2009

Coase Scholarships for Undergraduate Study in Economics

A generous endowment from Professor Ronald Coase enables us to offer two full fee scholarships per year in the areas of Law, Economics and Business.

Each Scholarship, worth in total more than £30,000, covers the University’s full tuition fees, accommodation costs, and provides for a generous maintenance grant.

Candidates for the Scholarships are required to write an essay, of not more than 2,000 words, on the topic ‘The gentleman in Whitehall really does know best’; and to send this, together with a letter of reference and a completed application form for University admission, to:

Mrs Linda Waterman,
Department of Economics and International Studies
University of Buckingham, Hunter Street, Buckingham, MK18 1EG

The closing date for applications for Coase Scholarships is 1 May 2009. All shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. Coase Scholars should begin their undergraduate degree programme in September 2009.
For more details information visit the website

Bangkok School of Management Scholarship Award Program 2009

Bangkok School of Management is currently offering a Partial Scholarship Award to both Thai and International students wishing to earn an accredited international degree. BSM’s outstanding 2 + 1 Business degree provides students with the opportunity to qualify for an international business degree by spending the first two years of their degree in Bangkok.

For the final year(s), Student can choose to study with the University of their Choice, from a list of leading universities across USA, UK, Europe and Asia or even choose to complete their final year with an accredited western university via distance learning or on campus. Partial Scholarship Award 25% waiver on tuition fees for a period of two years (four consecutive academic terms). This would approximately amount to THB 115,000 for the whole program.

Student Eligibility Criteria:

* Students with an outstanding academic performance with a minimum high school equivalent GPA of 3.0 and over are invited to apply.
* Students should provide reference letter from former institution certifying student’s academic performances and personal character.
* Students should enroll for a minimum of 5 subjects/ semester and should meet a minimum GPA of 3.00 each semester.
* Students must meet the other entrance requirements of Bangkok School of Management Application Information Interested Students are invited to write a personal statement and send to

Deadline Scholarship Application deadline for March Intake is March 20th, 2009 and for June intake is June 1st, 2009. BSM shall contact short listed candidate by email

Homepage :
Category : Partial Scholarship Award Program
Contact address : 16th Floor, Amarin Tower, 496-502 Ploenchit Road, Pathumwan, BKK 10330, Thailand
Name : Rapatsa Teerapongnapalai
Email :

Victoria University Australia Scholarship Program 2009

Victoria University will offer you a place if you meet the entry requirements, including the English language requirements and academic requirements.

For Indonesian Students
The Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) offers scholarships to lecturers in Indonesian Polytekniks to study at masters and doctorate level.

For Malaysia Students
The MARA Scholarships provides financial aid for Bumiputera students to study courses in science, engineering, management and other courses at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level.

Saudi Arabia
The King Abdullah Scholarship Program sponsors highly qualified Saudi students, who meet the highest level of academic standards, to study TAFE, undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Application Forms
For more details please visit

Contact us

If you have further questions about scholarships, make you check our section on frequently asked questions on scholarships.

ASKVU Find answers and ask questions
Phone +61 39919 5568
Location Footscray Park Campus, Building M, Level 2 (via Student Engagement Reception)