Archive for October, 2008

Penerimaan Tenaga Kerja PT. DAIHATSU ASTRA MOTOR

PT. Daihatsu Astra motor, sebuah perusahaan manufacturing mobil terbesar di Asia Tenggara membuka peluang kerja untuk posisi :

1. Production

2. Part & Supply Control

3. Remuneration

4. Export – Import

5. General Affairs

6. Environment, Savety & Health

7. Accounting

Kualifikasi :

Ø Lulusan S1 dan D3 – D4 Jurusan : Teknik Industri, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Sipil, Management, Akuntansi, Administrasi Bisnis

Ø IPK minimal 2.75 (D3) dan 3.00 (S1)

Ø Diutamakan berusia maksimal 27 tahun

Ø Dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik (TOEFL minimal 450)

Ø Siap ditempatkan di Jakarta , Karawang atau Cibitung

Ø Bersedia bekerja dengan system shift pagi dan malam

Ø Dapat mengoperasikan computer (Minimal MS. Office)

Ø Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman organisasi

Ø Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan, berkemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan mempunyai pemikiran analisa yang baik.

Bagi yang berminat. silakan download dan isi lengkap FORMULIR LAMARAN KERJA yang telah disediakan di http://www.acc-uii. com dan meng-entry data diri di kantor ACC UII kemudian kumpulkan berkas lamaran anda beserta formulir tersebut ke :


Gedung Rektorat Lantai 1 Kampus Terpadu UII

Jalan Kaliurang km 14,5 Sleman

Close date : 10 November 2008

Kami hanya memproses berkas lamaran yang telah dilengkapi FORMULIR LAMARAN KERJA dan telah entry data di kantor ACC UII

Pengumuman peserta yang lolos seleksi administrasi dapat dilihat di http://www.acc-uii. com antara tanggal 17 – 21 November 2008

Penerimaan Tenaga Kerja BUMN Perkebunan

Klien kami, sebuah BUMN Perkebunan yang mempunyai wilayah kerja di Sumatra
Utara dan sekitarnya, mengundang tenaga-tenaga potensial untuk berkarier
di bidang :

1. Keuangan (KEU-3B)
2. Umum (UM-3B)
3. Tanaman (TAN-3B)
4. Teknik /Pengolahan (TEK/POL-3B)

Persyaratan Umum:

o Pria/Wanita, lahir setelah 30 September 1980 (untuk Kode KEU-3B)
o Pria, lahir setelah 30 September 1980 (untuk Kode TAN-3B dan
o Pria/Wanita, lahir setelah 30 September 1978 (untuk Kode UM-3B)
o Belum menikah
o IPK Minimal 2,75 (PTN), 3,00 (PTS)

Persyaratan Khusus:

1. KEU – 3B : S1 Ekonomi (Jurusan Akuntansi, Manajemen)
2. UM – 3B : S 2 Hukum, Profesi Psikologi (Psikolog) atau
Magister Psikologi
3. TAN – 3B : S1 Pertanian (Agronomi, Ilmu Tanah, Hama &
Penyakit, Sosek)
4. TEK/POL – 3B : S1 Teknik Kimia , S1 Teknik Mesin, S1 Teknik Sipil

Lamaran disertai fotokopi transkrip nilai (dilegalisir) , fotokopi ijazah
S1 (untuk semua Kode) & disertakan ijazah S2 (khusus Kode UM-3B) yang
dilegalisir, pas foto 4×6 terbaru (3 lembar), Curriculum Vitae, fotokopi
KTP, SKKB, dan Surat Keterangan Sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter,
dikirim kepada :


Jl. Jend. Urip Soemohardjo no. 100, Lantai 3 sayap utara, Yogyakarta – 55222
Telp. (0274) 586201; Fax : (0274) 520082, 513849

Pelaksanaan tes akan diselenggarakan di kota Medan. Cantumkan pilihan kode
posisi formasi pada amplop di sebelah kiri atas. Lamaran diterima Panitia
paling lambat tanggal 13 November 2008 (Cap pos 8 November 2008).

Iklan serupa pernah ditayangkan pada harian Kompas dan Media Indonesia
pada tanggal 11 Oktober 2008. Bagi pelamar yang sudah mengirimkan lamaran
berdasarkan iklan tersebut, tidak perlu mengirimkan lamaran kembali.
Pilihan tempat tes, langsung dikirimkan via e-mail: rekrutlpp@yahoo. com

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.
Apabila jumlah pelamar melebihi kapasitas jumlah yang akan diseleksi,
Panitia akan memanggil berdasar peringkat IP dari atas dan kuota yang
dibutuhkan. Pengumuman peserta yang dipanggil, dapat dilihat pada website
LPP (http://www.lpp. Lamaran menjadi milik Panitia. Selama proses
seleksi, akomodasi dan transportasi tidak ditanggung Panitia.

Land Reform for Chinese Farmers

Eight hundred million peasants in China have never been allowed to own their land. Under new reforms by the Chinese government, farmers can trade, subcontract or lease their land — options they have never had before.

In a rather dramatic policy shift, the government has assigned small plots to farmers in communist China. Proponents say this unprecedented plan will lead to “larger, more efficient farms that could increase output” at a time when China isn’t growing enough food to feed its own people, according to the New York Times.

Along with coping with the global economic crisis, China is trying to appease decades of rural discontent felt by farmers who have protested against their lack of land rights and the burgeoning corruption of collective ownership. Too often, “local officials and developers have illegally seized farmland for urban expansion while paying minimal compensation to farmers.”

However, opponents of this new land reform worry that millions of landless farmers will leave the countryside for better-paying work in cities. If these farmers are unable to find work, they won’t have any land left in the countryside to go back to.

Thirty years ago, economic reforms launched China’s rise. But while cities grew wealthy, the countryside remained poor. Let’s see if these reforms give Chinese farmers the same opportunities for financial gain as their urban counterparts have enjoyed.

Addressing the world food crisis

Despite growing attention in the world media and expanding aid efforts by many organizations, the world hunger crisis continues to worsen as many of the communities in which we work struggle with daily hunger and starvation. The basic staples that feed the world wheat, rice and corn continue their inexorable rise in cost and scarcity.

In Ethiopia and throughout the Horn of Africa, rising commodity prices, civil war, and imperiled aid operations have pushed many people to the brink of famine. In Zambia and elsewhere in Africa, the scarcity of food is acute and many are simply finding a corner and sleeping until death finds them.

Project Concern International is responding to the world food crisis by addressing the large-scale issues of world hunger and malnutrition through programs that not only provide food aid, but address the underlying causes of food insecurity.

“Now is the time for all of us to act. We at PCI are committed to addressing these humanitarian issues by discovering solutions that empower individuals and communities, assisting them to overcome intransigent and persistent food insecurity. Economic empowerment, family food gardens, and food support, are just some of the ways PCI helps people every day around the world,” said George Guimaraes, President and CEO.


Although it is almost impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of soaring food prices, experts have placed the blame on rising fuel costs, lower agricultural production, weather shocks, more meat consumption, and shifts to bio-fuel crops. High prices threaten to increase malnutrition, already an underlying cause of death for over 3.5 million children a year.

What we do know:

* Wheat prices are up 120%
* Rice prices have risen 75%
* Poor families spend up to 80% of their budget on food
* According to the World Bank, an estimated 100 million people have fallen into poverty in the last 2 years
* Prices are expected to stay high through 2015
* 21 of 36 countries in a food security crisis are in Sub-Saharan Africa, according to the United Nations FAO
* West Africa, the Horn of Africa, and fragile states are especially vulnerable


Read the stories of our beneficiaries and learn about programs that are truly changing and saving lives in Africa, Latin America and in Asia.

After the Oil Crisis, a Food Crisis?,8599,1684910,00.html

Is the world headed for a food crisis? India, Mexico and Yemen have seen food riots this year. Argentines boycotted tomatoes during the country’s recent presidential elections when the vegetable became more expensive than meat; and in Italy, shoppers
organized a one-day boycott of pasta to protest rising prices. In late October, the Russian government, hoping to ease tensions ahead of parliamentary elections early next year, announced a price freeze for milk, bread and other foods through the end of January.

What’s the cause for these shortages and price hikes? Expensive oil, for the most part.

The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) reported last week that, at nearly $100 a barrel, the price of oil has sent the cost of food imports skyrocketing this year. Add in escalating crop prices, the FAO warned, and a direct consequence could soon be an increase in global hunger — and, as a consequence, increased social unrest. Faced with internal rumblings, “politicians tend to act to protect their own nationals rather than for the good of all,” says Ali Ghurkan, a Rome-based FAO analyst who co-authored the report. Because of the lack of international cooperation, he adds, “Worldwide markets get tighter and the pain only lasts longer.”

What’s more, worldwide food reserves are at their lowest in 35 years, so prices are likely to stay high for the foreseeable future. “Past shocks have quickly dissipated, but that’s not likely to be the case this time,” says Ghurkan. “Supply and demand have become unbalanced, and… can’t be fixed quickly.”

The world’s food import bill will rise in 2007 to $745 billion, up 21% from last year, the FAO estimated in its biannual Food Outlook. In developing countries, costs will go up by a quarter to nearly $233 billion. The FAO says the price increases are a result of record oil prices, farmers switching out of cereals to grow biofuel crops, extreme weather and growing demand from countries like India and China. The year 2008 will likely offer no relief. “The situation could deteriorate further in the coming months,” the FAO report cautioned, “leading to a reduction in imports and consumption in many low-income food-deficit countries.”

Hardest hit will likely be sub-Saharan Africa, where many of the world’s poorest nations depend on both high-cost energy as well as food imports. Cash-poor governments will be forced to choose between the two, the FAO says, and the former has almost always won out in the past. That means more people will go malnourished. Further exacerbating the problem are the current record prices for freight shipping brought on by record fuel prices. An estimated 854 million people, or one in six in the world, already don’t have enough to eat, according to the World Food Programme.

Nearly every region of the world has experienced drastic food price inflation this year. Retail prices are up 18% in China, 17% in Sri Lanka and 10% or more throughout Latin America and Russia. Zimbabwe tops the chart with a more than a 25% increase. That inflation has been driven by double-digit price hikes for almost every basic foodstuff over the past 12 months. Dairy products are as much as 200% more expensive since last year in some countries. Maize prices hit a 10-year high in February. Wheat is up 50%, rice up 16% and poultry nearly 10%.

On the demand side, one of the key issues is biofuels. Biofuels, made from food crops such as corn, sugar cane, and palm oil, are seen as easing the world’s dependence on gasoline or diesel. But when crude oil is expensive, as it is now, these alternative energy sources can also be sold at market-competitive prices, rising steeply in relation to petroleum.

With one-quarter of the U.S. corn harvest in 2007 diverted towards biofuel production, the attendant rise in cereal prices has already had an impact on the cost and availability of food. Critics worry that the gold rush toward biofuels is taking away food from the hungry. Jean Ziegler, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on The Right to Food, recently described it as a “crime against humanity” to convert food crops to fuel, calling for a five-year moratorium on biofuel production.

Leaders in the biofuel industry respond that energy costs are more to blame for high food prices than biofuels. “Energy is the blood of the world, so if oil goes up then other commodities follow,” Claus Sauter, CEO of German bioenergy firm Verbio said following Ziegler’s comments. Others argue that cleaner-burning biofuels could help stem the effects of climate change, another factor identified by the FAO as causing food shortages. Ghurkan notes that scientists believe climate change could be behind recent extreme weather patterns, including catastrophic floods, heat waves and drought. All can diminish food harvests and stockpiles. But so can market forces.

Penerimaan Tenaga Kerja 2008 PT. JAYA MANDIRI SUKSES

PT. JAYA MANDIRI SUKSES adalah perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang sedang mengembangkan usaha di Kalimantan . Untuk menunjang kegiatan operasional di lapangan, Perusahaan memberikan kesempatan bagi tenaga profesional yang menyukai tantangan, memiliki motivasi tinggi, jujur dan mempunyai integritas tinggi untuk ditempatkan di lokasi perkebunan dengan posisi:

Administration Trainee (AT)

Administration Trainee akan mengikuti On The Job Training Program di Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Timur.


– Pria, usia maks. 25 tahun

– Pendidikan min. D3 Akuntansi, min IPK 2.75

– Fresh graduate atau memiliki pengalaman 1-2 tahun sebagai Administrasi / Accounting Clerk di Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

– Mampu mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)

– Mengerti Bahasa Inggris

– Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas dan ditempatkan di seluruh lokasi perkebunan.

Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut diatas, agar mengirimkan berkas lamaran melalui alamat di bawah ini sebelum 31 Oktober 2008.


PO BOX 8231 / JKSSB 12920



Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi.

Penerimaan Tenaga Kerja 2008 PT. FamilyTree Indonesia


PT. FamilyTree Indonesia is a holding company in the field of education and counseling center. One of our products is Corporate Service, including Corporate Business & Work Environment Psychology, Psychological Assessment (recruitment and maintaining) , and Employee Empowerment Program. Now, we need outstanding individuals to be place in Yogyakarta.

Send your application for:


· Male/ female, maximum age 30

· Bachelor Degree of Psychology/Economic s , majoring Management SDM

· Graduated from Magister Psychology majoring PIO is preferable

· English active, both oral and written

· Min 1 year experience on the HRD field (recruitment, training, management SDM) is preferable

· Communicative, pleasant personality

· Hard worker, open mind, fast learner

· Having research expertise in industrial and organizational field

Please send application with detailed CV, resume, recent photograph, & expected salary, until November 7, 2008 to:

Kumala d/a FamilyTree Indonesia

Jalan Kaliurang KM 6

Pandega Marta Raya No. 43 Yogyakarta

Telp. (0274) 912-7119; kumala@ymail. com

Penerimaan Tenaga Kerja PT. united Motors Centre

PT. united Motors Centre, Main Dealer Mobil Suzuki memberikan kesempatan
bagi professional muda untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tetap:


– Laki-laki/wanita

– Usia max. 38 th

– Pendidikan min. S1 finance & accounting

– Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai perpajakan


– Laki-laki/wanita

– Usia max. 30 th

– Pendidikan min. S1 Hukum/Psikologi

– Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai undang-undang ketenagakerjaan/ hubungan


– Laki-laki/wanita

– Usia max. 30 th

– Pendidikan min. S1 segala jurusan

– Bersedia untuk ditempatkan diluar kota (daerah Jawa Timur)


– Laki-laki/wanita

– Usia max. 28 th

– Pendidikan min. D3 segala jurusan

– Orientasi pada penjualan & bersedia bkerja dalam tekanan

Kualifikasi Umum:

– Memiliki pengalaman kerja sesuai bidangnya min. 5 th

– Memiliki kendaraan pribadi dan SIM A/C

– Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi & presentasi

– Memiliki kepribadian & penampilan yang menarik

– Diutamakan memiliki pengetahuan dalam otomotif

Segera kirim surat lamaran lengkap paling lambat tgl 31 Oktober 2008 ke :


Jl. Ahmad Yani 40 – 44




Membutuhkan segera :

* Staff Akademik ( SA) , laki-laki,muslim, min S1 semua jurusan,usia
maks 28 th, komunikatif, energik dan leaderShip, bisa mengoperasikan
komputer MS office, mengenal, sistim ke administrasian kantor.

* Front Office ( FO) , laki-laki, muslim, min D3, usia maks 28 th,
komunikatif ramah dan supel, bisa mengoperasikan komputer MS office
dan mengenal sistim administrasi perkantoran.

* 2 Teknisi HP ( T ), laki-laki, muslim, maks 35 th, min SMU,
berpengalaman min 1 th, ahli software dan hardware.

* 5 Custumer Service (CS), laki-laki,muslim, Min D3, Usia maks 28 th,
komunikatif dan inisiatif, berwawasan luas dan bisa kerja team, tidak
dalam masa kuliah.

* Koordinator event organizer (EO), laki-laki, muslim, maks 35 th, min
SMU, komunikatif, leadership dan bisa kerja team, berpengalaman min 1
th, menyerahkan makalah/proposal mengenai event dengan thema bebas,

* Penjahit ( P ), wanita, usia maks 35 th, min smu, ahli potong, buat
pola dan menjahit, penempatan Boyolali


Fasilitas :

* Karyawan tetap
* Gaji pokok
* Uang makan
* Uang Transport
* Jenjang Karier

Cara Pendaftaran :

* Kirim Surat Lamaran, CV, FC Ijasah Akhir, FC KTP, Foto Hitam
putih/berwarna 3×4 ( 2 lb), surat-surat pendukung lainnya (jika ada)

1.BROTHERS CELL : Jl.Timoho No. 52 B( selatan kampus UIN) Yk
2.LBaPK BROTHERS : Jl. Tajem No.20 Tegalrejo, Maguwoharjo, Depok,
Sleman, Yk

Tuliskan kode posisi yang diinginkan di amplop atas dan diantar langsung
atau via pos

Alamat :Jl.Timoho No.52 B ( selatan kampus UIN) Yk
Telp: 0274-9183146/ 7884848

paling lambat 27 Oktober 2008

Penerimaan Tenaga Kerja PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali

PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali sebagai salah satu Perusahaan Pembangkitan Listrik di Indonesia membuka kesempatan bag! putra-putri terbaik untuk bergabung sebagai Tenaga Teknik Operasi dan Pemeliharaan PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali, dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:


1. Pendidikan:

* Diploma 1 / SMK 4 tahun : Jurusan Listrik (JL), Mesln (JM), dan Kimia (JK)

Diploma 3 : Jurusan Listrik (DL), Mesin (DM), dan Kimia (DK)

2. Usia

* Diploma 1 / SMK 4 tahun : Max 21 thn (per 1 Januari 2009)
* Diploma 3 : Max 23 thn (per 1 Januari 2009)

3. Jenis Kelamin : Laki – laki, kecuali jurusan Kimia: Laki-laki & Perempuan

4. Status : Belum menikah

5. Kondlsi Fisik

· Sehat jasmani dan rohani (Tidak memiliki ketunaan fisik yang dapat menghambat aktivitas kerja)

· Tidak buta warna

· Bebas narkoba

· Tinggi Badan Laki-laki minimal 160 cm dan Perempuan minimal 155 cm, berat badan proporsional

· Tidak bertato

· Tidak bertindik (khusus laki-laki)


1. Diploma 1 / SMK 4 tahun:

* Nilai rata – rata UAN ; minimal 7 (tujuh) dengan nilai matematika minimal 7 (tujuh)
* Bagi lulusan Diploma i, harus berasal dari SMA IPA / STM, dengan Indeks Prestasl Kumulatif (IPK) min : 2.75

2. Diploma 3:

* Indeks Prestasi kumulatif (IPK): minimal 2,75
* Mempunyai sertifikat TOEFL dengan skor minimal 450


1. Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Konsultan Rekrutmen dengan mencantumkan Kode Jurusan yang dipilih sesuai butir 1.1 diatas pada surat lamaran dan pada sampul surat lamaran (pojok kanan atas) dengan melampirkan:

a. Riwayat hidup ( CV )

b. Foto copy ijasah yang telah dilegalisir:

· Diploma i / SMK 4 tahun : SD, SMP, SMA/SMK 4, D1

· Diploma 3 : SD, SMP, SMA / SMK, D3

c. Foto transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir.

d. Foto copy KTP dan akte kelahiran.

e. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar.

f. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian. (SKCK)

g. Surat keterangan tidak buta warna dari dokter umum.

h. Melampirkan pernyataan diri di atas meterai Rp. 6.000,- tentang :

· Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali dan bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas selama 4 (empat) tahun secara berturut-turut sejak diterima sebagai siswa On the Job Training (OJT).

· Bersedia menjalani masa OJT selama 1 (satu) tahun.

· Tidak teriibat dalam penyalah gunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya.

· Bagi yang mempunyaf ijazah lebih tinggi dari tingkat pendidikan yang dilamar, tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya.

· Sanggup tidak menikah selama masa On the Job Training (OM.

· Tidak mempunyai ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain clan tidak menerima beasiswa pendidikan darf instansi lain yang bersifat mengikat

i. Pendaftaran/ lamaran ditujukan kepada :



PO BOX. 10 SB IKIP, Surabaya

(dalam amplop tertutup warna coklat )

j. \’Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 31 Oktober 2008, dengan cap pos.

k. Tidak dilakukan komunikasi ( surat menyurat, telepon) selama tahapan seleksi berlangsung.

I. Seluruh proses seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun clan pelamar agar mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi Ink

m. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.

n. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak.


Proses rekrutmen menggunakan sistem gugur, dengan tahapan sebagai berikut :

1 Seleksi adminlstrasi

2. Tes kesamaptaan

3. Tes Akademis

4. Tes Psikologi

5. Wawancara Kompetensi

6. Tes Kesehatan

Setiap tahapan seleksi akan dilakukan pengumuman dan pemanggilan untuk mengikuti test selanjutnya.